Polwhele, Richard.
The English Orator. A Didactic Poem (1786-1789).


Volume contents: “Book the First (the Second Edition)”; “Books the Second and Third”: (= The Second “on the Eloquence of the Bar”; the Third “on the Eloquence of the Senate”); “Book the Fourth on the Eloquence of the Pulpit” and “Epistle to a College-Friend written in the Country Some Years after the Author had left the University”. Mint and fresh; verlagsfrisches Exemplar. Modernes Titelblatt mit “… A Diadactic Poem”
Sprache: en

1 vorrätig

Artikelnummer: 11482 Kategorie:


(= Anglistica & Americana. A Series of Reprints Selected by Bernhard Fabian, Edgar Mertner, Karl Schneider and Marvin Spevack , 12 ).

Hildesheim : Georg Olms., four “books” in one volume 1968 ( reprogr. ND der Ausgabe Exeter 1786 ).

II, 45 S. / 93 S. / 49 S. / 14 S. Gr.-8°, original cloth : dunkelblaue OLwd. mit goldgepr. R-T und DT, fadengeh. , hellgrauer Kopfschnitt